Jan 18+19: filming filming filming


We filmed each scene as according to plan. A lot of what we got done on Saturday were the scenes in my house, and since the group came in the late afternoon I fear for continuity in the post production- it took so long to shoot some of the shots in the daytime scene (a problem because the windows' blinds were up) that night was falling even while we were still shooting it. I decided, then, that it would be the best idea to change the script a little and get Hannah to switch on the lights (instead of going straight to sweeping weapons into their bag, which was what the original script dictated). That way, the last few shots of the first scene were in the lighting of the room, and with clever camerawork we managed to hide that it was actually nighttime. 

Yesterday, we filmed everything else, including the scenes in the factory and the office as planned. Surprisingly, the more we filmed, the easier into "the groove" we got and we even had time to take a long extended break, finishing earlier than everybody had expected. 

Since we lacked extras, Tony played the background extra in the office and I asked my brother to help play one of Zhang's henchmen. 


While shooting, we encountered a few problems that we had to be thinkers to solve. On Saturday, for example, I had to think on my feet to fix the continuity daylight/nighttime problem, and quickly before it got darker. It worked well, hopefully, although I still have yet to review all of the footage. 

Surprisingly, we faced no real stand out problems while shooting yesterday and I'm thankful for that. It could also be the fact that we simply found our routine in the process of shooting and got used to it, or it could be that we were shooting for so long we just stopped caring as much about how the results would turn out. One example of this was when we were shooting at the factory, a dance competition was happening at the same time a few stories down and the sound of the music was loud enough to interrupt our shooting. Luckily, with precise, but risk-taking measures, we timed each take correctly so that the music would not interfere too much with the sound. 

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