Dec 11: oh god


With the script done at 11 pages, I finally started the storyboard. I know that this is very late, but the script had to undertake rewritings and revisions many times. 

It can be read here

The storyboard was lots of fun, and I took some time to make each panel clear in stage directions and even expressive of what emotions actors have. 


We were also briefed briefly on how to pitch our films. I asked if we could make a presentation. I did a little research into how to pitch, too, but a lot of my results said that seeming over prepared was overkill, underprepared unprofessional. I think I will stick to making a presentation as some details are hard for me to explain with the spoken word, most particularly how the portals are supposed to work. 


Today I was an inquirer, not only asking questions but also investigating pitching further. 

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