We went through the good clips and noted down which ones we needed to replace the dialogue of. This is concerning as we're doing this so late but it seems like we don't have a choice. Darren and Amarik continued to edit as well. It was strange because we did have good results, but like I said last time there were also bad scenes. Some of the good scenes that we shot were the car scenes (possibly the best shot in our whole collection of footage thus far) and the bar scene looked pretty good, only requiring an entire ADR overhaul. Treading the line was the rooftop scene, where we really felt the brunt of the wind problems during the shoot. And far away in the dankest corners of our all-nighter shoot was the seduction scene shot when the sun was coming up and we were exhausted, without any use of lighting beyond the actual lights on set. Needless to say this means we do need a reshoot ASAP, but as I've mentioned Project Week is tomorrow, and mid term break right after (both Darren and I are out of town), forcing us to rendezvous and film on our first day back at school.
Today's lesson required us to be careful planners and yet at the same time taking measured risks- a combination of risk taking and being well balanced. We need to be able to test our limits as a fimmaking team, while keeping our goals realistic. It's going to be extremely difficult work for everyone, but hopefully the risk that we're taking pays off with a good end product.
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