Reflecting on the notes (just in case whoever sees the metric ton of notes and skips past this)
The thematic notes I've taken here today are extremely helpful to bear in mind as we were briefed on our two big assessments today- Criteria A and B, but specifically for criteria B. I really hope that I get to be the director for this project, because I've never gotten a chance to direct during all my years taking the MYP film course. It's a pity, because I feel like it's a job I would enjoy. I have some ideas especially for this film noir course, but I'd be fine if someone else took charge. Also, I hope my group doesn't make me play the femme fatale- I know that acting like that kind of character isn't my strong point.
For our Crit. A piece of writing, though, if I decide to document the history and evolution of film these notes contain great points about why people turned to film noir in their creative age as well as inspiration and examples to back those up.
• French for black film
• Genre that peaked in the 1944-1955 period